
Dr. 托德Andel

Welcome to the 计算机学院! It is my distinct honor to serve as the Dean of such an amazing and exciting place, and along with all our faculty and staff we welcome 你来我们家. It is my goal everyday to lead the 计算机学院 towards an unmatched commitment to student success, the pursuit of research discoveries, and to support of our industry and community partners.

In addition to our world-class degree programs, many of our students participate in extracurricular activities including regional programming contests, cyber-security related competitions, internships, and faculty directed research projects. 我们的教师 are engaged in cutting edge research funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Defense, as well as numerous defense contractors. 大学, through the 计算机学院, is designated as a National 学术卓越中心 in Cyber Defense by the National Security Agency and the Department of 首页land Security.

Demand for computing graduates is high, with employment in computer and information technology occupations projected to grow 15 percent by 2031, according to the Bureau 劳工统计. The 计算机学院 is positioned to help meet that demand. Our alumni are filling roles supporting our national defense, as many are serving in positions with the federal government and defense contractors. 我们的毕业生是 also filling key positions supporting software development and infrastructure support in the tech and health care sectors. Computing really touches all aspects of our global society, and our graduates are well prepared to take on these challenging roles.

I invite you to explore all the opportunities the 计算机学院 and the University 必须提供. Whether you are a prospective student, current student, alumni, or industry partner, the 计算机学院 is an exciting place to be!

Dr.  托德Andel