
This website provides information to assist 十大玩彩信誉平台 faculty and staff in the creation and submission of curriculum proposals and revisions. 的信息 presented here applies only to courses and programs administered by Academic Affairs. It includes information on procedures and dead行s for the following types of proposals 在所有学术水平上:

  • New academic programs such as majors, minors, concentrations, and certificates
  • 修改或取消现有的学术课程
  • 新课程建议
  • 修改或删除现有课程
  • Requests for courses to be included in the general education curriculum
  • 课程费用要求


Typically, all curriculum proposals require at least departmental, college and university-level 批准. Some proposals may require additional 批准 from one or more outside agencies such as the Alabama Commission on Higher 教育 (ACHE), the 南ern Association of 学院和学校 – Council on Colleges (SACS-COC), and in rare cases the Department 的教育. 请注意 that some proposals may also be subject to review by an accrediting 身体在程序的纪律. 

美国教师手册第6部分.9指定委员会和行政办公室 charged with curriculum review at the university level, as well as providing additional 指导新学术项目的发展. 检讨委员会包括 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, which reviews all new undergraduate course and program proposals as well as curricular 更改 existing programs, the Graduate Curriculum Committee of the Graduate Council, which reviews all graduate courses and program proposals, the 荣誉学院, which reviews proposals with an 荣誉 ("HON") designation, and the Writing Committee, which recommends and monitors Writing ("W") 信贷的课程. Each academic department and college should have its own curriculum 还有评审委员会. 

Reviewers take into account a number of considerations in assessing a proposed change. These may include the rationale for the change, the impact on current students if it is implemented, and for new courses and programs, expected student demand, learning outcomes and academic content, whether the course or program duplicates existing offerings, 预期成本. 


Beginning fall, 2023, new curriculum proposals will be submitted through CourseLeaf CIM, a curriculum review software platform that includes reviewer workflow tools. Proposals for new courses or programs, revisions to existing courses, and revision to 项目要求 in the Bulletin should be entered into CIM.  额外的CIM functions include adding a course fee, deactivating a course, requesting a course be added to the general education curriculum, or requesting a new course prefix. 一次 entered and submitted to Workflow, the curriculum review process is also managed within CIM. 













有关国际监测中心的问题可向:  courseleaf@pjsyy.net.  If your question is related to courses or program, please put "CIM" in the subject 行.

最终用户:除上述说明外,a CourseLeaf最终用户培训视频 在Canvas中可用(需要美国在线登录).  

审批人员: CourseLeaf CIM审批人 training video is available in Canvas for faculty and administrators who are workflow approvers for courses and programs in CIM (USA On行 log-in required).  


课程改革影响了许多大学的利益相关者. 学生可能有他们的 ability to register for a course or to count it toward a degree requirement impacted 通过课程变化. 顾问需要提前几个月了解变化才能正确 为学生以后的学期提供建议. 员工和管理者必须调整方向 schedules, degree requirements, the University bulletin, and other resources in a timely manner to ensure the smooth implementation of curricular changes. 

请注意: Prerequisite changes with a summer semester effective date will require prior 批准 教务处的助理副校长.

The dead行s below are designed to ensure timely review of proposed changes and are 每年更新一次. 

2024-5公告的变更 的最后期限 会议日期
更改 项目要求 (e.g., revised course requirements, 更改 elective blocks, revised program admissions 要求等.) 一月第二个星期五  
(1月. 12th, 2024)
变化 不影响程序需求 (e.g.、编辑描述、格式、教员名单等.) 五月第二个星期五
变化类型 期望实施日期 提交建议书的截止日期 会议日期
新课程 影响程序需求 (新项目或修订项目要求的课程). 2024 - 5公告
(1月. 12th, 2024)
新课程 影响程序需求 2024年秋天, 3月第二个星期五(2024年3月8日) 2024年3月15日
更改 existing courses that affect fall student registration (e.g. 更改 先决条件或课程属性).  2024 - 5公告
(1月. 12th, 2024)
更改不影响秋季注册的课程(例如.g.,课程介绍) 2024年秋天, 五月第二个星期五
春季学期的课程变更. 2024年春, 2023年9月15日 N/A
变化类型 期望实施日期 提交建议书的截止日期 会议日期 ACHE到期日期 ACHE会议日期
New program proposals or substantial 更改 programs that require review by ACHE (e.g.(新专业). 2025年秋天,





不需要ACHE审查的新项目提案(e).g.(新未成年人) 2024年秋天, 2023年9月15日 2023年9月22日 N/A N/A
程序失活 2024年秋天, 2023年9月15日 N/A N/A N/A