


这 error will occur when your document and the content inside of it has not been 适当的标记. 使 sure all the content is either tagged or marked as an artifact. 要做到这一点,就去做 一个 以下修复之一:

  1. 打开 内容 面板 and Right-click (on Windows) or Ctrl-点击 (on Mac OS) the content that you 想要标记为工件. 然后,选择 创建工件 从上下文菜单中. (要显示 内容 选项卡中,选择 视图 > 显示/隐藏 > 导航窗格 > 内容.)
  2. 通过选择标记内容 工具 > 可访问性 > 阅读顺序. 选择内容,然后根据需要应用标记.
  3. 使用 标签 面板. Right-click (for Windows) or Ctrl-click (for Mac OS) the element in the 标签 树,然后选择 从选择中创建标签. Items such as comments, links, and annotations don’t always appear in the 标签 树. 要查找这些项,请选择 找到选项 menu.

这 error will occur when your document has annotations that are not tagged. 使 sure all annotations, such as comments or editorial marks, are either in your 标签 树或标记为工件. 我们遵循的一般步骤是:

  1. 点击 编辑PDF 在右边的菜单中
  2. 在左边的图标菜单中,单击 标签 menu option (A tooltip will appear when you hover over the icons)
  3. 在标签面板中,单击选项图标. 点击 找到.
  4. 在弹出的框中,将选项更改为 没有标记的注释 并点击 找到. 这 will highlight the first unmarked annotation 在 page.
  5. 点击 标记元素.
  6. 在 box that pops up, type a description in the field 并点击 OK. 它会自动地 移动到下一个未标记的注释.
  7. 继续步骤4-7,直到所有注释都被标记.

If, for some reason, the previous steps do not fix your problem, try 一个 下列的:

  1. 打开 内容 面板, and right-click (for Windows) or Ctrl-click (for Mac OS) the content that 你想把它标记成藏物. 然后,选择 创建工件 从上下文菜单中. (要显示 内容 面板中,选择 视图 > 显示/隐藏 > 导航窗格 > 内容.).
  2. 通过选择标记内容 工具 > 可访问性 > 阅读顺序. 选择内容,然后根据需要应用标记.
  3. 使用 标签 面板.

When not able to use a mouse, or if one is not in possession of a mouse, they must rely on navigating through content using the Tab key 在ir keyboard. 标签的顺序 使用Tab键时,选择事物的顺序是怎样的. 因为这也适用于 to PDFs, we must make sure that the tab order parallels the document structure. 这 error will occur when your tab order is not set up properly or at all. 这可以是 自动或手动固定:

要自动固定选项卡顺序,只需选择 标签的顺序可访问性检查器 面板 在 right hand side of the screen, after running an 可访问性 check. 从这里,点击 修复选项 菜单,或只需右键单击 标签的顺序 并点击 修复.

To fix tab order manually for links, form fields, comments, and other annotations:

  1. 点击 页面缩略图 面板 在 navigation 面板 在 far left side of the screen (these are little 图标排成一行(垂直)
  2. 单击页面缩略图,然后选择 页面属性Option 菜单,或右键单击缩略图并单击 页面属性.
  3. 页面属性 框,选择 标签的顺序. 然后,选择 使用文档结构,然后点击 OK.
  4. 对文档中的所有缩略图重复这些步骤.

If you are receiving this error, there is a problem with your encoding. 指定 the encoding helps PDF viewer present the user with readable text. 一些字符编码 使用adobeacrobat无法修复错误.

To ensure proper coding as well as you can, do the following:

  • Verify that the necessary fonts and files are installed on your system.
  • Use a different font, preferable OpenType, in the source document, and then re-create PDF.
  • Re-Create PDF with a newer version of Acrobat Distiller.
  • Use the latest Adobe Postscript driver to create the PostScript file, and then re-create PDF.

这 error occurs if there is any multimedia content this is not tagged in your PDF. 确保内容包含在 标签 树或标记为工件.

打开 内容 面板 and right-click (on Windows) or Ctrl-点击 (on Mac OS) the content that you 想要做成工艺品. 然后,选择 创建工件 从上下文菜单中. (要显示 内容 面板中,选择 视图 > 显示/隐藏 > 导航窗格 > 标签.)

通过选择标记内容 工具 > 可访问性 > 阅读顺序. 选择内容,然后根据需要应用标记.

使用 标签 面板. Right-点击 (on Windows) or Ctrl-点击 (on Mac OS) the element in the 标签 树,然后选择 创建标记 从选择. (显示 标签 面板中,选择 视图  > 显示/隐藏 > 导航窗格 > 标签.)


Elements that make the screen 闪烁, such as animations and scripts, can cause seizures 对于光敏性癫痫患者. 这些元素也很困难 看屏幕什么时候放大.

如果 屏幕闪烁 rule fails, manually remove or modify the script, code, or content that causes screen 闪烁.


内容 cannot be script-dependent unless both content and functionality are accessible 辅助技术,如屏幕阅读器. 确保脚本不会这样做 interfere with keyboard navigation (using 标签的顺序) or prevent the use of any input 设备.

手动检查脚本. 删除或修改任何危及安全的脚本或内容 可访问性.


这 rule check applies to documents that contain forms with JavaScript. 如果失败了, 确保页面不需要定时响应. 编辑或删除脚本 impose timely user response so that users have enough time to read and use the content.


For URLs to be accessible to screen readers, they must be active links that are correctly 在PDF中标记. (创建可访问链接的最佳方法是使用 创建链接 command, which adds all three links that screen readers require to recognize a link.) 使 sure that navigation links are not repetitive and that there is a way for users 跳过重复的链接. 使链接文本唯一总是好的做法.

如果失败了, check navigation links manually and verify that the content does not 有太多相同的链接. 同时,为用户提供一种方法来跳过 出现多次. For example, if the same links appear on each page of the document, 还包括一个“跳过导航”的链接.