
网球鞋. 水和重量

为了与当今人们对健康和健身的兴趣保持一致,持续健身中心 Education (CCE) is pleased to make a wide variety of courses available to the community.  Via a partnership with the Department of Health, Kinesiology and Sport, courses in 舞蹈、锻炼、武术和十大信誉彩票平台都是在非学分的基础上提供的 学期.

Activity courses open for registration at the beginning of each 学期 for a short 窗口. Please read about all of 这门课 options below; follow the Enroll Now button 看看现在有什么可提供的. 大多数课程在大学校园里上课.  The registration confirmation 你 receive after registering will include course location 和方向.  

NOTE:  To take these classes for personal interest as a non-credit student, 你 need 不能被大学录取.  您可以按下面的“立即注册”按钮进行 附加信息和注册. 但是,如果你想获得学分, 您需要通过您的爪子帐户进行注册.




▼   有氧运动

Aerobic exercise is a physical fitness program that offers complete and effective 调节. 它包括慢跑、跳跃、弓步、踢腿和随着音乐伸展.

▼   美国红十字会急救:应对紧急情况

美国红十字会急救课程旨在帮助市民做出反应 react in respiratory and circulatory emergencies and provide care in life threatening 心脏骤停,休克和出血的情况. 课程内容包括肌肉骨骼急救 受伤、突发疾病等等.

这 course is a complete first aid program with certification offered in Adult CPR 及急救.

▼   开始游泳

入门游泳及水上安全的指导与练习. 你会得到 opportunity to become more confident in and around water and have an opportunity to 参加一种优秀的锻炼形式.

▼   有氧运动结合
If 你 easily get bored with 你r cardio workout, this class has been designed for 你. 通过专注于各种有氧运动,你完成了锻炼 保持动力继续你的锻炼计划. 自由搏击,踏步健美操,传统 地板健美操(高强度和低强度)和舞蹈健美操将贯穿始终 这门课. All levels of physical fitness are welcomed as 你 learn guidelines for each type of cardio exercise and understand how to build 你r own exercise program.
▼   慢跑
Understand the basics of running/jogging, including warm-up and cool-down, the fundamentals 跑步的形式,跑步的长度和频率. 主题还包括适当的服装和 shoes, alternate techniques of 调节, and the connection between jogging and 控制体重.
▼   武术


有兴趣学习自卫技术,但担心你可能没有 要足够强壮或有侵略性,以便从武术训练中受益? 然后合气道 这是一种防御但有效的日本武术,是你必须要学的! 合气道强调 the use of natural movement, avoidance, off-balances and redirection of an attacker's 战胜侵略的力量. 合气道可以让你来到一个和平的解决方案,而 造成最小的伤害,即使对手比 你.


这 course is designed to provide students instruction in the art of 巴西柔道: the Most complete, Most street effective, and Most successful martial art in the World. Made famous by the Gracie family and popularized in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), 巴西柔道 (BJJ) is a martial art based on controlling and subduing a larger and stronger opponent through the use of superior techniques, leverage, and 人体力学. 所以,无论你的年龄、体型、性别或健康水平,你都可以 学会这门最实用、最复杂的武术. 在这门基础课上, students will learn and practice positioning, escapes, submissions, and self-defense.


这 beginning course in Shotokan 空手道 is based on a system of teaching that follows 日本空手道协会的原则. 武馆空手道的主要目标 is a positive approach to others through respect, courtesy, integrity, and self-control. USA's karate program has been affiliated with Japan 空手道协会 (JKA) and Takayuka 自1967年以来,Mikami(9度黑带,JKA高级技术顾问). 


这 course is designed for students who have completed the beginner course in Shotokan 空手道. 该课程扩展了这种传统日本武术的概念. Training in the Heian and advanced katas (forms), intermediate and advanced techniques (kihon)专注于改善调节、柔韧性、速度和力量. 这 course takes the student into the higher levels for advancement in rank with the Japan 空手道协会. 介绍一步和半自由陪练提供了机会 提高自卫能力.


The traditional Chinese martial art of 功夫 places emphasis on body 调节, 协调,灵活,力量发展和自卫技能. 很多 在姿势中,踢腿和击打是单独练习的,然后以各种方式组合 形式,介绍协调的步伐,阻挡,打击和踢. 龚 Fu teaches reaction and fighting habits for self defense applications through practice 和同伴一起进行格斗训练. 学生发展了坚实的基础 techniques as well as natural, fluid reactions which are later practiced in more advanced 赤手空拳,武器,和双人形态.


苏巴克道 is a traditional Korean martial art with a history that spans 2000 years. It is a distinctly unique martial art that focuses on developing mind, body, and spirit to develop a functional capability in its practitioners through the practice of the 战斗演习. 这种训练使身心适应现实 手无寸铁的自卫,并提供了高度的个人意识. 作为一个 艺术形式,它注重形式、理论和美学. 作为一种自卫系统, 苏巴克道有很好的实际应用. 通过系统的指导,苏 Bahk Do teaches step-by-step methods of utilizing 你r body’s energies in self defense.

▼   运动,节奏和发展
这 运动,节奏和发展 course begins with movement awareness and basic movement skills and progresses to rhythmic activities such as the traditional dance 民间和广场舞的舞步. 还解释了发展游戏和接力赛 和实践. 控制和推动可移动物体的基本操作技能 练习跳绳吗.
▼   肌肉调理
这 is a physical activity class which includes various methods of physical 调节. Through active participation, 你 will develop knowledge and skills sufficiently adequate 锻炼身体的所有肌肉群. 该课程使用砝码,阻力管, 和其他设备,以增加心脏调节. 敏捷,协调和平衡, 力量,柔韧性,姿势和良好的定位也将获得.
▼   普拉提
这 course is designed to improve muscular flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, 和姿势. 此外,普拉提可以促进血液循环,帮助塑造身体, 加强躯干. 经常做普拉提的人会觉得自己的姿势更好, 更不容易受伤,整体更健康.
▼   壁球
壁球 is an exciting year-round sport that is fast-paced and mentally stimulating. 邀请初学者学习正确的技巧、技巧和策略. 你可能 随着课程的进行,参加单打和双打比赛. 和朋友一起报名 为了一个美好的时光和健康的锻炼.
▼   踏板操
这 course provides a fun, exciting and challenging low impact aerobic workout with 对关节的压力最小. 您将从学习STEP的基础知识开始 有氧运动和更复杂的动作. 所有健身水平的人都可以享受这个 通过调节长凳的高度上课. 穿运动服和网球鞋,并带 一瓶水. 请随意使用美国体育馆的更衣室.
▼   举重训练
这 is a progressive 调节 course using isotonic contraction for the development 力量和肌肉耐力. 你将学习适当的热身和伸展技巧, the benefits of resistance training, proper lifting techniques, and benefits associated 负重训练.
▼   Wii Fit
▼   X适合
X适合 is an exercise program designed to help 你 move better in 你r day-to-day life. With functional fitness in mind, this class utilizes kettlebells, dumbbells, light 杠铃运动和身体重量运动,加强和调节身体. X适合 is developed by an experienced crossfit coach who emphasizes safe and proper movement 同时激励你达到你的目标. 该计划是通过伙伴关系实施的 移动版的JH Crossfit. 课程在JH Crossfit举办.
▼   瑜伽
Learn how to stretch the body gently, increase flexibility, and use breathing techniques 增进健康,平静心灵. 指导放松练习将向参与者展示 减轻压力和紧张的方法.