
CISSTEM was founded to be an interdisciplinary center to promote research and innovative approaches to understanding learning mathematics and science and the integration of educational practices in the teaching of STEM disciplines. 因此,中心是 championed by three colleges across USA campus: College of Education and Professional 艺术学院研究 & Sciences, and 工程学院 and guided by an Advisory Board consisting of leaders from K-12 and higher education, local philanthropies, 商业和政府.


College of Education and Professional Studies

Dean Andrea Kent, Associate Dean André Green and other faculty in the College of Education and Professional Studies serve as P.I.’s and Co-P.I.是十大玩彩信誉平台过去和现在的 CISSTEM项目. These faculty contribute their expertise in science and mathematics pedagogy to help address the need for high quality K-12 educators in the region. Partner 教师包括:. 苏珊·马丁博士. Ryon McDermott博士. Jim VanHaneghan和Ms. Kelly Byrd.

文学院 & Science

Dean Andrzej Wierzbicki and other faculty are essential to integrative research in 干教育. As experts in science and mathematics help to enhance the content knowledge of future K-12 educators and develop innovative learning experiences for 该地区的K-12学生. 合作教员包括:博士. Madhuri mullekar博士. Vasiliy 普罗霍罗夫博士. 科尼利厄斯Pillen.


Dean John Steadman and faculty of the 工程学院 bring to bear their expertise in mechanical, civil, biomedical, and aerospace engineering as essential partners for many of the past and current CISSTEM项目. 工程设计的挑战是 often the hook used to engage K-12 students in science and mathematics content. Challenges also serve as real-world connections to applications of these essential disciplines.


Ms. Carolyn Akers,董事, 流动地区教育基金会
Dr. Bryan Brown, Associate Professor, Stanford University
Ms. 林恩Chronister, 研究副总裁他是十大玩彩信誉平台的教授
Dr. 埃罗尔·克鲁克,董事, 健康社区中心南阿拉巴马州
Mr. 乔纳森·迪克,我是TeleVox软件公司的
Dr. Gregory Fitch, Alabama Commission for Higher Education
Mr. 迈克·弗莱彻, Davidson High School, Mobile County Public School System
Mr. Robert Foley, Former Associate Dean of USA 工程学院
Mr. Chris Lee, The J.L. Bedsole基金会
尊敬的Merceria Ludgood, 莫比尔郡专员
Dr. 教务长拉蒂夏·麦肯 毕晓普州立社区学院
Chresal D. Threadgill, Superintendent of Mobile County Public School System
Dr. Susan Pruet, President, STEMWorks, LLC
Mr. 史蒂夫·里克斯 数学,科学, & 技术创新
Dr. 罗伯特·西普, Marine Sciences他是十大玩彩信誉平台的教授
Dr. 丹尼斯·斯潘格勒, Aderhold Professor and Associate Dean, 佐治亚大学


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